Exaggeration is used in games, mostly in RPGs, this art style is used for animé and manga typically, this art style is where the artist exaggerates many things within the game, mostly games with a Japanese influence, for example, in the game "final fantasy 7" the character "cloud" has a huge sword.

Exaggeration is also used for emotions, as the characters have bigger eyes when sad, and strong characters are muscular etc.
A lot of designers exaggerate things like weapons or vehicles the characters can use to make the player like them more as they look, feel and shoot more awesome. This gains more interest in their games, as would you rather drive a ford focus..... or a mustang with rocket launchers, nitros, machine guns, shields and hover car capability.
Exaggeration is also used for emotions, as the characters have bigger eyes when sad, and strong characters are muscular etc.
A lot of designers exaggerate things like weapons or vehicles the characters can use to make the player like them more as they look, feel and shoot more awesome. This gains more interest in their games, as would you rather drive a ford focus..... or a mustang with rocket launchers, nitros, machine guns, shields and hover car capability.